Certificate in Java Programming [CCJP]
Certificate in Java Programming [CCJP] |
Certificate in Java Programming [CCJP]
Duration : 3 Months
Eligibility : CCCP
HTML Review
Basics of Programming
JavaScript & Java Comparison
Relations to HTML, the Internet, and Other Languages
Developing Java Applications and Applets Construct, Compile, and Run First Applet and Application
Find Java Resources on the Internet Introduce Java Development Tools Understand the Java Running Environment
Data Types
Programming Errors
Style and Documentation
Separate Classes
Control Structures: Using if and if...else Nested if Statements Shortcut if Statements Using switch Statements Looping: for, while, and do Nested loops, Using break and continue
Methods: Creating a Method Calling a Method Passing Parameters Pass by Value Overloading Methods Method Abstraction Debugging and Testing
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Declaring and Creating Objects Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Constructors Modifiers Instance and Class Variables and Methods Packages The Java API Object Oriented Design
Arrays and Strings: Declaring Arrays Creating Arrays Initializing Arrays Array of Objects Copying Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Strings Vector Class Command-Line Parameters The Math Class
Class Inheritance: Superclasses and Subclasses Keywords: super and this Modifiers: final and abstract Casting Objects The Object Class Numeric Wrapper Classes Processing Date and Time Interfaces Class Design Guidelines
Graphics Programming: AWT Class Hierarchy Frames Event-Driven Programming Layout Managers Panels Canvases Colors Graphics
Creating User Interfaces: Button Label TextField TextArea Choice List CheckBox CheckBoxGroup Dialog
Applets and Advanced Graphics: The Applet Class The <APPLET> html Tag Passing Parameters to Applets Conversions Between Applications and Applets Running a Program as an Applet and as an Application Drawing Using Mouse and Keyboard Using CardLayout and GridBagLayout Using No Layout Manager
Exception Handling: Exceptions and Exception Types Claiming Exceptions Throwing Exceptions Catching Exceptions Creating Your Own Exception Classes Rethrowing Exceptions The finally Clause Cautions When Using Exceptions Local Class
Multithreading: The Thread class The Runnable Interface Thread States Thread Priority Thread Groups Synchronization Timer Class
Input and Output: Stream Classes Processing External Files Data Streams Print Streams Buffered Streams Parsing Text Files Random Access Files Interactive Input and Output Java and Databases
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