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Wet beriberi =high cardiac output failure.
Dry beriberi =type of peripheral neuropathy.

Wet beriberi
 1) oriental beriberi caused by eating diets in which most calories r derived 4m polished,highly milled rice.
 2) oedema=caused by metabolites like pyruvate nd lactate which cause extreme peripheral vasodilatation nd leakage of fluid 4m capillaries.
 3) beriberi heart disease charactorised by =
 -peripheral vasodilatation
 -high cardiac output state with warn extremities.
 -biventricular failure.
 -retention of Na nd water.
 -extreme tachycardia.
 -venous congestive state charactorised by raised jvp nd tender hepatomegaly.
 -hyperdynamic circulation.

 1)measurement of bld thiamine,pyruvate nd lactate levels.
 2)whole bld or erythrocyte transketolase activity.

1)complete bed rest.
2)100 mg thiamine IM 4 fist 7 days, then 10 mg/day orally 4 several months.

1)nutritional polyneuropathy is charactorised by symmetric impairement of sensory,motor nd reflex functions dat affect distal segments of limbs more severly dan proximal ones.
 2)histology= non inflamatory degeneration of myelin sheaths.
 3) 3 types of nervous system involved in beriberi.
 - peripheral neuropathy.
 -  cerebral beriberi
 - Korsakoffs syndrome.

seen in breast feed infants of thiamine deficent mothers.Usual age of onset is 2-3 months.

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