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Arthroscopy |
DefnA techniqu of surgry on joints in whch tip of a thin(4mm diamtr) telescop called arthroscope is intrducd in2 a joint & inside of joint examind.Dis is called diagnostic arthroscopy.
Once diagno is made, necesary corectn can b done der & den by introducing microinstrmnts thru
another small skin puncture dis is called arthroscopic surgry.
-minimaly invasiv techn
-day care surgery
-litle imobilisation reqd
-barely visibl scars
-posibl undr locl anaesthesia
-better asesment of joint
-dynamic asesment of joint posibl
-new diagnstic posibilities
-research posibility
*Knee joint
-loose body removl
-partial/complete menisectomy
-excision of plicas
-corectinn of patelar maltracking
-synovial biopsy
-release of stiff bone
-ligament reconstrcn
-fusion of knee
*Shouldr joint
-loose body removl
-dbridment of loose labrum glenoidale
-diagno of caus of shouldr pain
-excisn of AC joint
-subacromial decompresion
Knee arthroscpy-
Spinal/genral anasthsia
Torniquet aplied on thigh.
Knee cleand & draped.
Arthroscope & instrmnts r introdcd thru smal cuts called portals.
Comonst portal is anterolat portal located just lat 2 patellar tendon @ levl of joint.
A smal video camera is atatchd 2 artroscope & insid of knee can b seen on TV monitor.
Artroscope can b movd 2 diff parts of joint.
A 2nd portal usd for intrducing probe/other instrmnts i.e anteromedial portal on medial side of patellar tendon.
Crux of performing arthrscpic surgry is ability 2 bring tip of instrmnts in front of telescope(triangulation)
-Case suitability
-Learning curve
-Expensiv eqipments
Best luck! Rohanraje
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